In this school , we learn a lot and a lot of things that turn us into being more knowledgeable in the fields of vehicle engineering .

This educational platform is the only platform for us, where we offer engineering courses in the field of vehicles and their maintenance, and this platform is the first center for the student to follow up on his courses, submit his tests and discuss his research 

There are many advantages that may prompt you to think seriously about studying automotive engineering, perhaps the most important of which is that you will learn design studies, which include the different stages of design and manufacturing, in addition to learning the basic details of the design of many vehicles, including buses, trucks, and motorcycles, and knowledge of their mechanical systems that operate in them.

The specialization is not limited to the study of mechanical sciences only, but the department of study materials expands to include electrical sciences, electronics, engines and wheel drive systems. At the end of the educational stage, the student will have a great degree of familiarity with the main elements of the car and the methods of determining the basic arithmetic indicators necessary to travel on various types of roads.

Perhaps one of the most distinguishing features of the study of automotive engineering is the great effort made by universities in order to provide students with the skills necessary to participate in the race of scientific research, innovation and development, which is witnessing a great acceleration, especially in the field of the automotive industry, and this would open the door wide for students to creativity and innovation. In several areas, such as the level of driving for cars and buses, and working on developing their operating systems in order to reach the highest efficiency, as well as updating the security and safety mechanisms in cars and buses in new and innovative ways.

Study less With more Effort

At Al-Taamari Academy, you will learn many things that will enable you to become one of the most qualified academics in the field of vehicles, as the foundations of our education depend on a proper understanding of something and not memorizing it in an intelligent manner that depends on mental maps, so the study will be with greater effort in less time

Direct Cooperation

At Al-Taamari Academy, we work on direct cooperation between the student and the teacher faster than usual, and we also strengthen the student psychologically so that he is not tempted by the huge size of the educational material that we provide, and the communication between us and the student at any time is available to answer his inquiries and his aspirations

The Idea

We work to support the idea of our students and enhance it for them by discussing their projects and financing them after studying them and looking at their results.